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Rollup Summary fields with Junction Objects

The Situation

Users needed to see how many accepted Purchase Orders were associated to a Job on the Job page layout. There is a many-to-many relationship between Jobs and Purchase Orders, with Job PO Assignment as a junction object

The Solution

I knew that I would need to use the Job PO Assignment to create a Rollup Summary to the Job object. I already had a PO Status field on Job PO Assignment, but Rollup Summaries cannot be based on a formula field…so I did the following:

  1. Create a text field on junction object
  2. Populate text field with Process Builder
  3. Create a Rollup Summary field based on the text

Why not use Declarative Lookup Rollup Summary?

DLRS is triggered on insert or update, and the PO_Status__c field on this object is a formula, which will not be an edit when the text changes ☹

Step 1: Create a text field on junction object

Step 2: Populate text field with Process Builder

For this requirement, I already had a PB on the Purchase Order object that was based entirely on changes to the PO Status field. I added an action at each criteria node that updated any Job PO Assignments related to the Purchase Order.

Step 3: Create a Rollup Summary field based on the text:

I only want to count Job PO Assignments where the PO Status Text field = “Accepted”, so the field is named Accepted POs.

End Result:

Although a Job may have a Purchase Order Assigned, users know that there must be an Accepted PO before proceeding with work.